
A safe, fun and supervised place is provided for children to go before and after school, on school holidays and over summer break. Children have a choice of long or short-term activities, help doing homework or just a chance to relax and unwind with their friends. *Programs offered vary by location.
Arrivals and Departures
Caregivers work with parents to ensure that arrivals and departures are pleasant and reassuring for children. These times allow children to extend their bonds of trust they have with their parents to new adults.
Before School
We greet each child and then they are allowed to choose from blocks, art, books, etc. Breakfast is offered. Each child must be brought into the center by an adult. A staff member will escort children to the bus each morning.
After School
Children can choose from large or small group activities offered by the teacher. They may also choose to play with games, puzzles, books, listen to music or relax. Time is set aside each day to play outside and to have help with homework. A nutritious snack is also served daily.
On Days that school is closed, and the center is open, children may stay all day. A morning and afternoon snack is served as well as breakfast and lunch. All snacks and meals meet school nutritional guidelines and are posted at the center. A choice of activities are offered throughout the day such as arts and crafts, cooking or science experiments. Children may choose an activity or play in interest area such as dramatic play, blocks and cars, games and puzzles, art, books etc. A portion of the morning and afternoon are set aside for outdoor play. Walking field trips are set up as possible and based on location.